
instructor and location

Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn taught the course at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the spring of 2018. Read more

Instructions and where taught

Brandon and I (Brian) taught this course together in Spring 2018. It was my final semester as a graduate student, so in some ways this was my final hurrah before graduating.

It was at RPI in...Read more


This course was cross-listed as STSS (STS Social Science) and STSH (STS Humanities) within the Department of Science and Technologies in the school of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, at...Read more

What would you say are the primary purposes of this interface? What should the design aim to achieve?

To me, hearing the term "project page" makes me think of one of two things:

1. A kind of "scratch space" where people can quickly put down evolving ideas.

2. An advertising space for...Read more

More analysis

Going forward I hope to use PECE for four different projects I’m working on: 1) The energy vulnerability project in the Mid-Atlantic, which we have now set up ...Read more

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