
Instructions and where taught

Brandon and I (Brian) taught this course together in Spring 2018. It was my final semester as a graduate student, so in some ways this was my final hurrah before graduating.

It was at RPI in...Read more

PECE stage of development

The version of PECE we used was the same as the one we used in our first round of teaching, which was the first version of PECE with the PECE essay. Read more


This course was cross-listed as STSS (STS Social Science) and STSH (STS Humanities) within the Department of Science and Technologies in the school of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, at...Read more


This course had been taught about five times prior, using Wikispaces, by Kim Fortun, who created the course originally. Fortun taught a grad version of this course one semester, which ran in...Read more

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