AO: “Participation” is generally promoted as a main tenet in conducting the design of ICT for development” (49)
AO: shared value system (“Members of CTVC
AO: A researcher who operates under the methodological premise of deferral allows for generative different collaborative confirgurations of ethnography (82).
AO: The authors write: “We thus express commitment to an inductive process of research, where the emergence of design problems comes through grounded and participatory inquiry. We
AO: The issue of authorship begins even before the actual writing of the paper as the analysts note: “Who is given the opportunity to contribute, and thus potentially qualify as an
AO: The analysts mention that “in a globalized world” demands for cross-national collaborations grow. They also note decrease in funding and a need to coordinate different funding
AO: The analysts believe that a shared set of terms is needed for the progress of the science of team science. They note that there is too much variation in definitions used and so
AO: Participation as users. “Our engagement with CTVC is allowing us to discover “local protocols” of collaboration and discussion. After joining these channels, we can adapt them to...Read more
AO: The authors don’t seem to question the concepts of “global North” and “global South.” (I think this is common of most of the work around this (see Pollock who also
AO: I don’t have an edxo question but the analysts are interested in how to train the next generation of transdisciplinary scholars. They argue that metrics (that are “valid and