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Decolonizing the University
DEUTERO: How is this analyst denoting and worrying about knowledge production (in Africa)?
Submitted by
Angela Okune
on August 2, 2018 - 6:51pm
AFRISCI: How does the analyst describe an “African scientist”?
Submitted by
Angela Okune
on September 7, 2018 - 2:13pm
META: What discourses does the analyst consider/leverage to characterize/theorize the university and/or scientific knowledge production? (How) are histories and contextual factors pointed to as shaping the university?
Submitted by
Angela Okune
on August 2, 2018 - 6:51pm
MACRO: (How) are economic and legal infrastructures said to shape the (African) university and its knowledge production?
Submitted by
Angela Okune
on August 2, 2018 - 6:51pm
PRACTICE: What aspects of education does the analyst focus on? (financial models, curriculum, enrollment, technologies, personnel, students, etc.)
Submitted by
Angela Okune
on August 2, 2018 - 6:52pm
TECHNO: (How) does the analyst account for the data practices and responsibilities of the university and its knowledge archives?
Submitted by
Angela Okune
on August 2, 2018 - 6:52pm
What is the main argument of the author?
Submitted by
Angela Okune
on May 25, 2018 - 1:26pm
DATA: (How) does the analyst account for their own data practices and responsibilities?
Submitted by
Angela Okune
on August 2, 2018 - 6:52pm
What evidence does the author leverage to make their claim?
Submitted by
Angela Okune
on May 25, 2018 - 1:26pm
ECO: What material constraints are said to undergird (African) universities?
Submitted by
Angela Okune
on August 2, 2018 - 6:53pm
What are some exemplary / important quotes from this work?
Submitted by
Angela Okune
on May 25, 2018 - 1:27pm
NANO: What traits does the analyst believe make a “proper” researcher/scientist?
Submitted by
Angela Okune
on August 2, 2018 - 6:53pm
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