
In this Session, trainees learn how to set up and/or use PECE’s different collaboration infrastructures, including Projects, Groups/Subgroups, and Permissions. Trainees will learn how these features can be combined by project designers to enable restrictive spaces for self-reflection, collaborative analysis, and public display.

Key Terms for PECE: Accessibility and Privacy

User roles Administrators: administrators can approve user registrations and configure the site theme. Administrators have access to edit any artifact on the platform. Contributors: users can login to the site, manage a profile, join groups, and contribute content to the site. They have access to...Read more

Managing Informed Consent: Projects

In PECE, managing informed consent according to IRB specification is facilitated by the platform's Project, Group, and Permissions functions. Projects designate a research project that the platform is being used to scaffold. You can use this content type to describe when a project starts and ends, its institutional affiliation, and its funding source. You will also have the option to upload the consent form for the project, along with the interview request form.

Managing Accessibility: Groups

Groups are workspaces where several individuals can contribute content, share a field diary, write collaboratively, and publish essays. Click this link to learn how to create, join, or manage group memberships, as well as how to associate various forms of content with a group audience.

Managing Privacy: Content Permissions

PECE offers multiple layers of content restrictions. Users can use these restrictions to customize degrees of access to different types of data according to their diverse sensitivities.

There are three permissions which can be applied to content that is created on the platform. Designating content permissions determines which site visitors and users will be able to view content. Content designated as Open can be seen by any of the platform’s site visitors unless the content has been given special group content restrictions. Content designated as Restricted can be seen only by the platform users that have been designated as Researchers (See User Roles). Content designated as Private can only be seen by the content’s creator.

You can also set content permissions through the use of groups. Any group that is created on the platform can either be public or private. These permissions are selected when creating a group. Public groups will be accessible by any platform visitor. Additionally, all content associated with a public group will be public to the platform by default. Private groups will be accessible only to group members. When not logged-in, private groups will not be listed anywhere on the platform and cannot be searched for. All content associated with a private group will be private to the group members by default. Group content permission settings can be overridden using the group content visibility setting when creating content on the platform.

Lastly, when editing or creating a new piece of content, you can use the group content permissions field to override the group’s default content permissions. This means that you can designate content that has been associated with a private group as “public” or content that has been associated with a public group as “private.”

Click here to read more about content permissions.

Overview - Who will see my content?

Exercise 1: (Estimated time. 10 minutes)

Exercise 1 (10 min): From your dashboard, create a group that is public. Next, create a child group of this parent group that is private.

Navigate back to your dashboard and create a new project. Associate the public parent group you created with this project.