Elizabeth Chin, "Chin, Elizabeth. "Collaboration: Deviation." Correspondences, Cultural Anthropology website, October 10, 2016.", contributed by James Adams and Angela Okune, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 3 July 2018, accessed 17 September 2024. http://www.worldpece.org/content/chin-elizabeth-collaboration-deviation-correspondences-cultural-anthropology-website-october
Critical Commentary
Abstract: What are the tensions inherent in ethnographic collaboration, particularly efforts that aim to engage questions of inequality and social justice? As Dana-Ain Davis and Michal Osterweil point out, muddling through collaboration in our ethnographic research and writing projects is fraught and challenging. In my contribution to this Correspondences session, I want to deviate a bit from professional anthropology and reflect on collaboration in the world of design. I also want to reflect on the ways that collaboration requires change from all involved.