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Calvillo, Nerea. "Political airs: From monitoring to attuned sensing air pollution." Social Studies of Science 48, no. 3: 372-388.
Calvillo, Nerea. "Political airs: From monitoring to attuned sensing air pollution." Social Studies of Science 48, no. 3: 372-388.
D. Campbell, Grant. "Metadata, Metaphor, and Metonymy." Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 40, no. 3-4: 57-73.
D. Campbell, Grant. "Metadata, Metaphor, and Metonymy." Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 40, no. 3-4: 57-73.
A. Canagarajah, Suresh. A Geopolitics Of Academic Writing. University of Pittsburgh Press.
Cannon, Susan Ophelia. "A Field Guide to Academic Becoming." Qualitative Inquiry 26, no. 8-9: 1110-1121.
Cant, Alanna. "Participatory Research in Mesoamerica and Data Protection in Europe (and Elsewhere)." Annals of Anthropological Practice 44, no. 2 (2020): 152-156.
Cantero, Lucia E.. "Sociocultural Anthropology in 2016: In Dark Times: Hauntologies and Other Ghosts of Production." American Anthropologist 119, no. 2: 308-318.
Cantwell, Brendan, and Ilkka Kauppinen. Academic capitalism in the age of globalization. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014.
Cardelli, L.. "Bad Engineering Properties of Object-orient Languages." ACM Comput. Surv. 28, no. 4es.
Carlson, Alyssa. The Need for Transparency in the Age of Predictive Sentencing Algorithms., 2017.
Carlson, Samuelle, and Ben Anderson. "What Are Data? The Many Kinds of Data and Their Implications for Data Re-Use." Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 12, no. 2: 635-651.
Cartwright, Elizabeth, and Jerome W. Crowder. "Dissecting Images: Multimodal Medical Anthropology." Medical Anthropology 36, no. 6: 515-518.
Carusi, Annamaria, and Marina Jirotka. "From data archive to ethical labyrinth." Qualitative Research 9, no. 3: 285-298.
