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Onie, Sandersan. "Redesign open science for Asia, Africa and Latin America." Nature 587, no. 7832: 35-37.
Plantin, Jean-Christophe, Carl Lagoze, and Paul N. Edwards. "Re-integrating scholarly infrastructure: The ambiguous role of data sharing platforms." Big Data & Society 5, no. 1: 2053951718756683.
Plantin, Jean-Christophe, Carl Lagoze, and Paul N. Edwards. "Re-integrating scholarly infrastructure: The ambiguous role of data sharing platforms." Big Data & Society 5, no. 1: 2053951718756683.
Neale, Timothy, and Emma Kowal. "“Related” Histories: On Epistemic and Reparative Decolonization." History and Theory 59: 403-412.
"A relational model of data for large shared data banks." 13, no. 6: 377-387.
Gillespie, Tarleton, Pablo J. Boczkowski, and Kirsten A. Foot. "The Relevance of Algorithms.", 167. MIT Press.
Medina, José. "The Relevance of Credibility Excess in a Proportional View of Epistemic Injustice: Differential Epistemic Authority and the Social Imaginary." Social Epistemology 25, no. 1: 15-35.
Chilvers, Jason, and Matthew Kearnes. "Remaking Participation in Science and Democracy." Science, Technology, & Human Values 45, no. 3: 347-380.
Ankeny, Rachel A., and Sabina Leonelli. "Repertoires: A post-Kuhnian perspective on scientific change and collaborative research." Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 60: 18-28.
Georgios, Styliaras, Craig Dietrich, and John Bell. "Representing Culture via Agile Collaboration." IGI Global.
. Reproducibility and Replicability in Science. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.
Drummond, Chris. "Reproducible research: a minority opinion." Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 30, no. 1: 1-11.
Hsu, Leslie, Kerstin A. Lehnert, Andrew Goodwillie, John W. Delano, James B. Gill, Maurice A. Tivey, Vicki L. Ferrini, Suzanne M. Carbotte, and Robert A. Arko. "Rescue of long-tail data from the ocean bottom to the Moon: IEDA Data Rescue Mini-Awards." GeoResJ 6: 108-114.
Lahman, Maria K. E., Christina M. Taylor, Lindsay A. Beddes, Ivan D. Blount, Kimberli A. Bontempo, Joshua D. Coon, Cyrus Fernandez, and Barry Motter. "Research Falling Out of Colorful Pages Onto Paper: Collage Inquiry." Qualitative Inquiry 26, no. 3-4: 262-270.
Woods, Megan, Rob Macklin, and Gemma K. Lewis. "Researcher reflexivity: exploring the impacts of CAQDAS use." International Journal of Social Research Methodology 19, no. 4: 385-403.
Okune, Angela. “Responsible Research”: Reducing Risk or Improving Well-being?.
Lupova-Henry, Evgeniya, and Ámbar Tenorio-Fornés. "Re-thinking Academic Publishing: The Promise of Platform Cooperativism." Commonplace 1, no. 1.
McCosker, Anthony, and Rowan Wilken. "Rethinking ‘big data’ as visual knowledge: the sublime and the diagrammatic in data visualisation." Visual Studies 29, no. 2: 155-164.
Kirilova, Dessi, and Sebastian Karcher. "Rethinking Data Sharing and Human Participant Protection in Social Science Research: Applications from the Qualitative Realm." Data Science Journal 16.
Ruppert, Evelyn. "Rethinking empirical social sciences." Dialogues in Human Geography 3, no. 3: 268-273.
Ruppert, Evelyn. "Rethinking empirical social sciences." Dialogues in Human Geography 3, no. 3: 268-273.
Leonelli, Sabina. "Rethinking Reproducibility as a Criterion for Research Quality." In Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 129-146. Vol. 36B. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Pasquetto, Irene, Bernadette Randles, and Christine Borgman. "On the Reuse of Scientific Data." Data Science Journal 16: 8.
Kootin, Amma Y. Ghartey. "ReView Bamboozled: Archival Affects." Performance Philosophy 4, no. 1: 294-296.
Bishop, Libby, and Arja Kuula-Luumi. "Revisiting Qualitative Data Reuse: A Decade On." SAGE Open 7, no. 1: 2158244016685136.
