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Book Chapter
Weise, Crista. "Higher Education Systems and Institutions, Bolivia.", 1-8. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2017.
Drucker, Johanna, and Matthew K. Gold. "Humanistic Theory and Digital Scholarship.", 504. University of Minnesota Press, 2012.
Journal Article
Bai, Yang. "Has the Global South become a playground for Western scholars in information and communication technologies for development? Evidence from a three-journal analysis." Scientometrics 116, no. 3: 2139-2153.
Shrum, Wesley, Antony Palackal, Dan-Bright S. Dzorgbo, Paul Mbatia, Mark Schafer, Paige Miller, and Heather Rackin. "Has the Internet Reduced Friendship? Scientific Relationships in Ghana, Kenya, and India, 1994-2010." Science, Technology, & Human Values 42, no. 3: 491-519.
Freeman, Melissa. "The Hermeneutical Aesthetics of Thick Description." Qualitative Inquiry 20, no. 6: 827-833.
Medina, Dr José. "Hermeneutical Injustice and Polyphonic Contextualism: Social Silences and Shared Hermeneutical Responsibilities." Social Epistemology 26, no. 2: 201-220.
Jackson, Sarah J., and Brooke Foucault Welles. "Hijacking #myNYPD: Social Media Dissent and Networked Counterpublics - Jackson - 2015 - Journal of Communication - Wiley Online Library." Journal of Communication 65, no. 6: 932-952.
Rudmann, Dan, Kayshini Holbourne, and Elli Gerakopoulou. "Hire Everyone: Scholarly Publishing and Cooperative Sustainability." Commonplace 1, no. 1.
Martin, Shawn J.. "Historical Choices and Knowledge Production." Commonplace 1, no. 1.
Wolski, Urszula. "The History of the Development and Propagation of QDA Software." The Qualitative Report 23, no. 13: 6-20.
Guldi, Jo. "A History of the Participatory Map." Public Culture 29, no. 1 (81): 79-112.
MacKenzie, Donald. "How Algorithms Interact: Goffman's ‘Interaction Order’ in Automated Trading." Theory, Culture & Society 36, no. 2: 39-59.
Wylie, Alison. "How Archaeological Evidence Bites Back: Strategies for Putting Old Data to Work in New Ways." Science, Technology, & Human Values 42, no. 2: 203-225.
Berkovec, Jim, and Peter Zorn. "How Complete is HMDA?: HMDA Coverage of Freddie Mac Purchases." Journal of Real Estate Research 11, no. 1: 39-55.
Pepe, Alberto, Alyssa Goodman, August Muench, Merce Crosas, and Christopher Erdmann. "How Do Astronomers Share Data? Reliability and Persistence of Datasets Linked in AAS Publications and a Qualitative Study of Data Practices among US Astronomers." PLoS ONE 9, no. 8: e104798.
Desrosières, A. "How real are statistics? Four possible attitudes." Social research 68: x-355.
Edmond, Jennifer. "How Scholars Read Now: When the Signal Is the Noise." Digital Humanities Quarterly 012, no. 1.
Burrell, Jenna. "How the machine ‘thinks’: Understanding opacity in machine learning algorithms." Big Data & Society 3, no. 1: 2053951715622512.
Tobin, Joseph. "The HRAF as Radical Text?" Cultural Anthropology 5, no. 4 (1990): 473-487.
