amerodriguez Annotations

How does the policy characterize relations between the public and the government?

Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 2:33am

This directive encourages a spirit of innvovation and collaboration between the goverment and citizens of LA. 

Creative Commons Licence

Describe any technical standards with which agencies must comply.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 2:32am

The datasets must be made available on the open data portal in an open format. Open Format is defined as, "that can be retrieved, downloaded, searched, and filtered by commonly used web search applications and software." As it is noted that when possible, the data should be in a machine readable format. 

Creative Commons Licence

How does the data policy define Data? Openness? Public? Protected? (Quote definitions if appropriate)

Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 2:30am

Open Data is defined as, "raw data generated or collected by government agencies made freely available for use by the public..."  

Creative Commons Licence

Who/what must comply with the data policy?

Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 2:29am

City Departments must comply with this executive directive. Specifically named are: Department of Water and Power, Los Angeles World Airports, Port of Los Angeles, Los Angeles City Employees' Retirement System, Los Angeles Fire and Police Pensions, Department of Recreation and Parks, and Los Angeles Public Library

Creative Commons Licence